
Derek Bowens #9 Wade Hampton High School, Greenville SC

Good morning Coaches,
I have a young man who happens to be my nephew, he came to live with me last year because of some academic problems at a previous school and my brother-in-law and sister felt like he needed a change of enviroment. She also new that I’m very serious about academics and I would be working at the high school he would be attending as a staff member so I could give him the supervision and discipline he would need to be successful and it worked out for him academically, he was a straight honor roll student the whole time he was with me. We also have a pretty big football program at the high school so I talked with the head coach and he also excel on the field too, the problem was he came after football season his sophmore year and he only was able to run track and did very well because he is also track guy. The problem came in after all the work outs were over, the summer 7on 7off season, and it was time for the first game of his junior season. My nephew was the fastest player on the team, he also earned a position in the starting rotation with some talented receivers and defensive backs. The coach submitted the final roster to the high school league in SC and it came back that my nephew was a transfer student because of his track accolades as a freshmen and sophmore at his previous high school and also the school zone I lived in. We have 2 high schools in my county and I live in the other school zone, but since I was a employee of the district he was allowed to attend the high school I worked at,but he had to set out a year to play varsity sports. I did not know that and the coach felt like he was eligible because he had been at the school half the year but the league said no. So the first game of the season he was ruled ineligible and couldn’t even travel with the team after all that hardwork, must kids would have give up and quit. He did not he went a head and played sub-varsity in the 11th grade because of all the hardwork which says alot for his character and maturity. he still practice with the varsity to give them a good look during the season on scout team and was respected by the whole  CB/SS/FS/KR/PR/WR ; its more to the story but take a look he deserves a 4 year scholarship please help he is a diamond in the ruff just didn’t get the look he deserved his senior year. He ended up moving back to home, but maintains that 3.8 gpa. 


Nickolas Herrera O-line Center

Sophomore, JV football, A’s and B’s student,

Evaluation Form (Sheet)

Attached is a great “Evaluation” Form sheet I used in College to evaluate players I was recruiting. Also used in High School to evaluate our players!




4 Key Areas In Developing Your Team:

by Coach Bill Mountjoy (

#1 PERSONNEL – (WHO) You Teach

#2. COACHING – (HOW) You Teach

#3. STRATEGY – (WHAT) You Teach

#4. MORALE – This is the Basic Factor That Controls (Who) (How) (What)

MORALE: We consider Morale the most important of the “4 areas in building a Football Team”. You’ve got to have MORALE (psychological approach) to just stay in the game and make a reasonable showing. You’re not going to get a damned thing out of your players if you don’t control the mind first. You’ve go to get control of the mind first and the body second.

The dictionary definition of what the psychological approach meaning, or what MORALE is: “THE SCIENCE WHICH TREATS OF THE MIND IN ANY OF IT’S ASPECTS – THE TRAITS, FEELINGS, ACTIONS, AND ATTRIBUTES COLLECTIVELY OF THE MIND”. We discuss these things as a staff. We wanted to know what we could do to improve it. What we could do to control that player’s mind but make sure that we still had him completely on our side, to give everything that he had even though hed wasn’t the equal of his opponent. Here, we felt if we controlled the mind, we could get the maximum out of that player. How many times have we gone into Football games with everything encompassed around COACHING and STRATEGY even though we are aware of this MORALE aspect? It’s kind of like falling in love, it’s natural (you don’t know why it happens, but it does). BUT, I think as a coach you can control it and here are some areas that can be problems, and must be addressed in order to control the MORALE of the team:

LIST: Participation, Physical Condition, Organization, Loyalty, Leadership, Tradition, Environment, Confidence, Administration, Schedule, Injuries, Equipment, Officials, Luck.


Installing the Gun Zone Read Offense

Manual / Hard Copy

This manual will take you from the general philosophy of installation and into the running game, play action passing game, sprint out passing game, and then but not least the straight dropback game for the three and five-step attack. As with any option game, whether it be traditional or gun option, the key is to make it simple for your athletes to learn but complex enough to cause your opponents difficulty during the week to prepare for you.

The blocking structure for the Gun Offense will be built around zone concepts throughout the installation of the running game, which in turn will carryover into the pass protection schemes. Zone blocking concepts are determined by the angle at which the running backs will get the football so, zone footwork for each individual play will be explained in detail which will allow for the easiest explanation to your athletes as possible.


Combining Spread, Option, Wing-T and Traditional Run & Pass

Manual / Hard Copy

Combining Spread, Option, Wing-T and Traditional Run & Pass Into One Offense is 347 pages illustrating Formations, Traditional run and passing game featuring Play Action, Dropback, Sprint Out, as well as a No Huddle approach for implementing a fast pace offense using codes. This manual also offers a Complete installation of your offensive Line, Receivers, Backs and QB’s, Option Game, RPO’s, a foundation for implementing a Pistol Wing-T and much, much more.


How to Install a Complete Pistol Offense

Manual / Hard Copy

The Installation of The Pistol Offense is designed to take those coaches interested in installing the Pistol Offense through the complete installation of the running and passing game with terms and illustrations. The Pistol Offense is designed to formation an offense into controlling the box, spreading the defense and reading uncovered receivers. The difference between the Gun Offense and the Pistol Offense is the location of the running back. With the Gun Offense you have a back that is offset to one side of the quarterback and with the Pistol Offense you have the back located directly behind the quarterback. By aligning the running back behind the quarterback you create fewer tendencies.


Combining the “I” Back Offense with the Gun Zone Read

Manual / Hard Copy

Combining the “I” Back Offense with the Gun Zone Read Approach is a 304-page manual on running an offense that is physical with the “I” back approach, but still opens up with a true gun zone read offense. It includes drills and techniques for all offensive positions and diagrams for implementation of the traditional run game, option and zone, play-action passes, drop back from under center, gun option, and complete sprint-out passing.


How to Install a Pistol, Gun or Under Center Offense

Manual / Hard Copy

How to Install a Pistol, Gun or Under Center Offense is a 270-page manual with an in-depth explanation on how to install and combine 3 of the most popular offenses being run today. Coach Campbell offers a step-by-step process for installing a traditional approach to the no-huddle, fast-paced tempo that brings some exciting concepts. The information is broken down into different phrases that include the use of formations, motions, the traditional running game from under center, the option game, gun zone concepts, pistol, and complete passing game. It also contains all of the coaching points for each offensive position: running, passing, and screen game.


“War In the Trenches” Coaching the Offensive Line

Manual / Hard Copy

“War In the Trenches” Coaching the Offensive Line is a complete detailed understanding for coaching the Offensive Line from its earliest beginnings to current day techniques and drills that involve the running game and pass protections. Coach Campbell has provided the evolution of offensive line play and how rule changes through the years have influenced the way the offensive line is coached and how its current rules have dictated how current offenses are implemented.